ALL-V100.ZIP 2780,064 10-22-96 All-In-1 v1.0 A new HTML editor withint/external preview, Drag/drop link and tagcreation, frame wizard, table editor.
ANZL110.ZIP 200,519 11-04-96 (v11.0) Anzio Lite - Windows Telnet ClientTerminal emulation for the Windows Sockets(WINSOCK) environment. Includes sizablefonts, 80/132-column support, pass-throughprint, function keys, color, line-drawing,
ARF321.ZIP 99,936 11-23-96 Arf - A WWW database searcher and retrieverArf searches World Wide Web databases such asAlta Vista, Lycos, and Deja News with asearch term that you supply. Arf follows thelinks that the databases come up with to the
BECK110.ZIP 1093,026 10-03-96 Becky 1.10, multi-featured E-mail featuringmultiple accounts, advanced text editingcapabilities and much more.
CCMEB14.ZIP 950,516 11-15-96 CyberCreek RSR (Rapid Send Receive) technologallows you to download/send messagessimultaneously. Support for Proxies, RTF,HTML,and Plain Text. Comes with a spellchecker, improved CyberCreek Control Center,
EUMAL611.ZIP 139,837 11-30-96 EUMAIL.EXE (6.11): Eudora mail summarizer.Dumps your Qualcomm Eudora mailbook as wellas summarizing the contents of all of yourEudora boxes and folders. Freeware.
FNOS16A5.ZIP 299,619 11-27-96 DOS Internet pkg w/ppp, slip, dialer, &automated ftp
FTPBR143.ZIP 404,304 12-20-96 FTP Browser v1.42, feature rich TCP/IP FTPclient for OS/2 Warp. Quick, compact and easyto use. It makes browsing directories as fastas point and click & transferring files asor 4, Presentation Manager and TCP/IP
GMD3219B.ZIP 200,849 10-01-96 GeNewIc MUD Client for Winsock, version 1.9b(C) 1995, GeNewIc and Daniel Lee Kelly II , Arights reserved. GMUD is designed tofacilitate interaction wi MUD server, andused in place of the standard telnet command.
HMHTM130.ZIP 1031,843 10-14-96 Hyper Maker HTML 1.3. Multimedia hypertext maWIN31 HYPERTEXT EDITOR HTML MULTIMEDIA SHAREWARE Publisher: BersoftRegistration: $40 to 150 Category: HypertextHTML 1.3 is an HTML editor that p
HTMASC12.ZIP 302,297 10-04-96 HTMASC V1.2,the fast and easy way to convertpages from the World Wide Web (*.htm) toplain Textfiles (*.txt).All of the HTML tags(e.g.<TITLE>, <HEADER> ...) are removed andentities (" ö ....) are converted.
HTMASC20.ZIP 346,152 11-21-96 HTMASC V2.0,the fast and easy way to convertpages from the World Wide Web (*.htm) toplain Textfiles (*.txt).All of the HTML tags(e.g.<TITLE>, <HEADER> ...) are removed andentities (" ö ....) are converted.
HTMIMG32.ZIP 168,735 09-30-96 HTML Imager 1.0; produces web pages showingall GIF and/or JPG pictures from thedirectory you select. Makes it easy tocatalogue large collections of web designpictures or to produce on-line photo albums.Freeware.
HTMLA32.ZIP 98,546 09-23-96 HTML Author for Word v5.3. HTML editor add-on for Microsoft Word95.
HTMST611.ZIP 158,644 11-30-96 HTMSTRIP.EXE (6.11): Goes through downloadedpages from the Web and removes embedded HTMLcommands. Reflows paragraphs and tries tomake it basically readable. Can function on"PC Computing" in their July 1996 issue.
ICP-C.ZIP 267,411 10-13-96 Patch update for Internet Connectivity Pack r
JUNO115.ZIP 1371,180 11-18-96 Email was meant to be FREE Here is JUNO Ver.1.15. Now you can have an email accountabsolutely free. Now there is no excuse whyyou can't be apart of the world wide emailnetwork. Includes slick easy to use offline
MAILCHK.ZIP 2199,535 11-05-96 This program automatically checks your POPaccount for mail at regular intervals andnotifyes you with a small icon at the bottomof your screen. Requires only 2K memory.
N107-386.ZIP 708,412 11-06-96 File name: One line description:Internet in a Thimble, 386 & higher Alternate Email Surface address: 125N. 14th Suite 204, Fort Smith, AR 72901
N107-XT.ZIP 424,324 11-06-96 File name: One line description:Internet in a Thimble, Alternate Email address:davidcolston@delphi. Surface address: 125 N.14th Suite 204, Fort Special requirements:
NDATE202.ZIP 46,765 10-06-96 NetDate 2.02, checks time (via internet) andresets your clock if you wish. Sets for yourtimezone. Auto off after set. Extras.
ONLINE.ZIP 4520,011 09-23-96 Onlive! 3D Live talk on the internet.Movearound MTV's planet, or skip to other planetsto talk to other 3D Animated net surfers. Wiz-
SA16V120.ZIP 542,196 12-16-96 Secret Agent 1.2 Off-line WEB browser cache s
SERVU21.ZIP 538,726 11-08-96 Serv-U - FTP server for MS-WindowsPowerful, yet easy to set up FTP server forWin3.1, Win95 & NT. With lots of security,UL/DL ratios, disk quota limitations, UNIXstyle links, multi-homed IP and lots more...
SFM10B6.ZIP 23,111 12-10-96 Smart FTP Mirror v1.0 beta-6 (961210) SFM isa program to mirror files from remot host tolocal via File Transfer Protocol. Longfilename support. "Redial" until conne Testedwith Pegnuin FTP Daemon for OS/2, Novell
SGHTET09.ZIP 1897,007 10-10-96 Internet Multi Player game. Based on Tetris
SMEHTM11.ZIP 189,387 12-02-96 HTML EDITOR 1.1 Smalled HTML Extensions willturn editors like Smalled and e.exe intocomplete HTML editors. SMEHTM Acts like anotebook-style floating toolbar through whichtags can be entered in the editor. SomeFAST.
SSEARCH1.ZIP 54,925 10-27-96 Scanline Swiftsearch is an application whichfits neatly on-top of Netscape Navigator orMicrosoft Internet Explorer, and provides easaccess to some of the webs top search sites.
TRIV.ZIP 139,357 10-10-96 Internet multi-player real-time trivia game
TXTAB611.ZIP 84,433 11-30-96 TXTABLE.EXE (6.11): Program to generate texttables. Allows inputs to be HTML-based aswell as one-record per cell. Freeware.
VCOM_02B.ZIP 625,745 10-29-96 VCom 0.2b -Runs under Windows 95 (and Win 3.1if I see -Includes a telnet daemon thatroutes incomin application that supports aserial port (BBS -Emulates a Hayes compatiblemodem (e.g. ATxx, RING, CONNECT xxxxx, NO
WBIT3217.ZIP 549,792 11-23-96 Web-It!32-The ultimate HTML Editor v1.7 <ASP>Create your web pages with ease. Supportsmany features such as frames, forms, images,image maps, tables, lists and more. Twoversions available: Standard & Professional.
WC273R16.ZIP 1021,572 10-31-96 Wincode v2.7.3c: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decodefor Windows. Supports UU,XX,USR,BASE64(MIME),BINHEX,BTOA(4&5) & BOO encode/decode. Includesupport for external ZIP/UNZIP and Virus Scan
WEBIT17.ZIP 534,425 11-23-96 Web-It! The ultimate HTML Editor v1.7 <ASP>Create your web pages with ease. Supportsmany features such as frames, forms, images,image maps, tables, lists and more. Twoversions available: Standard & Professional.
WFLASH.ZIP 229,551 11-22-96 WorlFlash NewsTicker 0.98. A new Internetinformation agent. It's a free (advertisersupported) program that lets you seepersonalized, up-to-the-minute scrolling stocquotes, news headlines, incoming email
WFTCH119.ZIP 96,837 09-01-96 WebFetch 1.19 Web Page Automatic GrabberDownload any binary or text file that can beaccessed with a single "http" parameter. *Download a webpage (*.htm, *.html) along withall the images that are referenced in thatso
WG1317.ZIP 265,033 10-17-96 Allows you to connect your entire LAN to theInternet with just one modem. Acts as a proxyserver, which enables other machines on theLAN to access the Internet. Unregisteredversion only supports 1 proxy connection.
WPW103.ZIP 1578,214 12-01-96 WebPage Wizard v1.03 Creates Web Pages andpublishes to site provided. Point and click.WYSIWYG. w/Browser.